Sunday, August 1, 2010

They're here, they're here!!! French Friends in California!!!

Heard from our French Friends...

They are this morning past San Luis Obispo, having seen Santa Barbara as well. And they are admiring our beautiful beaches! I must quote, so you all may have the feel of how we liking our new friends:

"Dear Maia,
we are now near San Luis Obispo, after visits of Los Angeles, Santa Barbara,... et we are very very happy!!!!!!!! What fantastic beaches you have!!
This email just to say that you will have to be careful when you will drive in France, because there are a lot of 'automatic speed controls' everywhere, in Paris too (speed in town is limited at 50 kms/hour (about 30 miles per hour)).
We left our home very fastly so I hope I forgot nothing!
Have a very good trip, and our house is your house!"

It sounds a bit like they've been speeding around LA, right?

... As if!  Our plan is to drive as little as possible, starting with tomorrow morning. The taxi will be here at 9:30 am and we will next be challenged with a car in Viroflay Sunday afternoon. Our goal is to see if we can easily take a train to Versailles on Sunday evening for dinner. If not easy, we MAY have to take their car.

Note to Jeopardy players:  Got Versailles right, answer  to question Friday night. Something about King Louis and a revolution...

Stay tuned, Versaille? Dinner I hope on Sunday... fois gras??

Thanks everybody for following our blog, sorry it's not so easy to click into follow. Let me know if you try and it still doesn't work. otherwise, I guess we just know you are there, as always.

Our best, 2  6 hour flights and a nap from dinner in Versailles. Promise to find my Vin-o-aerator by then...

Au Revoir, Mes Amis!

and finally: bon voyage!

Maia, Paul, Victoria, at home:  Gracers and Lea, and at family friends: Bellina! Miss you already Bellina girl!

XO   ;-0

the cats are soooo suspicous. Lea won't leave our bed, and she's 3 times been kicked out of Paul's suitcase. Bad kitty. How cats end up in France.

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