Monday, July 12, 2010

The Vacation

The Vacation Idea

Every year, we try to go some place new for a vacation. Since the Euro was low (versus the US dollar) we thought we'd go to Portugal. As Mr Wonderful hates the packing and unpacking usually associated with Europe, I decided to try Of the 30 families I contacted in and around Lisbon, none were willing to spend the money to visit the US this year.

Now addicted to the idea of a European vacation, we put France as our second choice (thinking a French family would contact us!). Every Friday, the webmistress would send us possible homes to exchange with. After many exchanges (and some advice from a friend who had previously done this: make sure the home your visiting is the size of yours, not a 400 square foot 5th floor walk up, or has the accommodations you are looking for!), we settled on a lovely home in Viroflay, between Paris and Versailles. Lovely, lovely home and family.

The French Connection

It is the first home exchange for us and our French family. Many emails back and forth: was our pool safe, how many could fit in our cars, do we have internet service, could we send a picture of our family so the French family would see who was going to be sleeping in their beds, eating in their kitchen, etc.

There were some language problems. They meant, was our pool fenced so the three year old couldn't get in (the yard is fenced, not the pool). They'll have to be aware of where little Chantal is! We have offered to put bells on the patio doors. Our daughter was three when we put the pool in and was terrified of the pool, but now does swim team.

In The Beginning, The emails

I emailed Marie (my new French friend and Mom of four) many times. We found out our husbands are both engineers, and she (and I ) are in Finance. I decided I didn't need to tell her where the pots and pans were, probably in the same place as her kitchen.

We rent homes for skiing a lot, and we did know that there are just so many places one will put a hairdryer, coffee maker etc. We really wanted to know where the good food shops and restaurants were and fun local stuff to do - we knew we'd visit Versailles, the Lourve, the Eiffel towel, etc. Stephanie is insisting she is makings lists of all their favorite places for us to visit.

The Cleaning

We found ourselves looking at our home in a new way: through another family's eyes. Which meant, we should probably clean up our personal stuff, and maybe the guest room.

I painted our master bath, it had some mold on the walls. First cleaned it with the proper chemicals, the anti-mold paint. Got a new medicine cabinet.

My husband was even more voracious. He began fixing things that had been years in the making. New screen in bathroom, no more mosquitos slipping in!

The kitchen refridgerator's ice maker worked, but no water came out of the water dispenser. That was fixed. Many trips to Goodwill, 4 bags of old tennis shoes from the garage, out! Our guest room now has boxes under the desk, rather than papers and statements and canceled checks on the top. There will be more boxes in the garage as we continue the cleaning, or rather hiding.

Drawers in the kitchen have been cleaned out and put back together, with ancient, broken or just plain gross stuff thrown out. Clearly, people who move every few years do not have these problems. We have lived here for 16 years, and at least one of us is a very bad pack rat.

The Confession

Eventually, I emailed Marie that we were cleaning, but would not be getting to the garage for their visit. Which is the location of our washer and dryer and second refridgerator.

Marie emailed back: their garage was a mess, and the location of the washer dryer, and they weren't going to have time to paint the kids bathroom, which was moldy. The last one was kind of late, I had already painted our bath!

I feel certain there may be other confessions, but it was reassuring to find out our French family was our alter ego.

The Cleaning Continues...

Mr Wonderful is going to clean our kid' play room, which has a single bed and probably perfect for their only son. It's been used as extra storage. There is a possibility that the tile which fell off of the wall between the hot tub and pool gets re-attached. Last night, Mr Wonderful finally matched the grout.

We are scheduled to leave July 31st, and it's July 12th. Not too much more can get fixed around here. We will leave everything clean.

One email, Marie threatened to bring her own pool towels. This was after I asked her to not machine dry ours every time they are used, as the towels are huge and can be dried more frugally by hanging on a chair in the back yard. I didn't want her to bother with this, so I emailed her a picture of our beautiful pool towels.

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